An Intro to Empower + Create
Hi, all! Happy Saturday! First things first, I will be rescheduling the Spring Mini Sessions as it really isn’t too springy outside. Thank you, Wisconsin for all of the snow! As some of you may have seen on my Facebook Page, 15% of the profit from my spring mini sessions will go to a local non-profit organization that is important to me. I have decided that I will be donating the profits to Empower + Create!
What is Empower + Create (E+C)?
E+C is a local non-profit organization in the based in the Central WI area for female entrepreneurs and “a community of female creatives” to get together, uplift and empower each other. This is a way for us to lift each other up rather than to see each other as competition. Each month, E+C meets and covers different topics that will help us to build our businesses and to help us overcome the obstacles we struggle with. Topics that have been covered include thing such as marketing, loving your clients, life + work balance, taxes, and discovering what your “why” is. This is an environment for fellow female creatives to gather and discuss the struggles + the joys of being a #bossbabe.
#BossBabe time. Co-founders Kasey Greenheck of Kase Styles and Kelsy McCartney of the McCartneys Photography kick off the night by enjoying a glass of wine + chatting before the discussion on work + life balance.
Why E+C?
I chose E+C as the non-profit that I will be donating to them specifically because I want to give back to them as they have given me so much. This community of entrepreneurs has been a blessing to me this past year. It has given me the opportunity to gain confidence in my work, build important + essential skills, and the importance of believing in yourself as an entrepreneur. The lovely and positive environment with endless infectious energy has kept me coming back each month! Being a young and driven entrepreneur isn’t always easy and not enough to succeed in today’s world. To have a strong group of ladies to fall back on, to look up to, and to go to when I take a tumble is something that I am so thankful for, words cannot express. They’re more than happy to help a fellow creative out! It’s so disheartening when I see others are not willing to help each other or are even discouraging whether it’s intentional or not. In an environment like E+C, I can be open and ask questions and even find out that I am not alone in feeling like I am too young or am incapable of doing things because I am a female.
Discussion Time! During the presentation, members of E+C have an open floor discussion and have the opportunity to share their personal experiences and to share their expertise as well. Having a smaller group of ladies makes for a more personable and intimate meeting.
How Can You Help?
You, too can help support E+C by booking a Spring Mini Session today! Giving back is important to me, especially when it’s going to an org that has given so much to me! I hope giving back is important to you as well! Click here to book your mini session!
Want to Know More About E+C?
Are you a dedicated, ambitious #bossbabe too? If so, head on over to the website to get to know a bit about the founders, donate today, as well as to take a look at the recaps from the previous meetings!
Follow them on Facebook + Instagram, too!